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girlthing admin
computer toucher, baked goods enjoyer, and boomer shooter appreciator

"your whole personality is nix and wearing a dog collar" - 4 people
"average rust developer" - cosmo

13 Posts Posts & Replies 95 Following 25 Followers Search

girls love to move fediverse account (again) @lilyily

arf boosted

This is an app that should do one thing and one thing only. PLEASE don’t work on new features. PLEASE don’t ensure I have best authentication experience

arf boosted

Emoji neofox : Hi can I buy a vacuum cleaner ?
Dyson : yeah ... uhh here you go
Emoji neofox : By the way do you happen to know anyone who can make a megastructure around a star
Dyson : ur not gonna believe this

arf boosted

“We created a self-opening fridge with an AI camera that tracks what you put in and take out.”

Please for the love of any and all deities I am PROSTRATE on the floor begging you for fair energy prices and accessible public transport I do not need a fridge incorrectly guessing what is in my 17 Tupperware containers and refusing to open because I haven’t paid my monthly £24.99 subscription of “Fridge Door Lock Plus” Emoji neofox_melt_sob Emoji neofox_melt_sob Emoji neofox_melt_sob

arf boosted
arf boosted

I have done The Thing.

I have ported to . Properly. Passing all tests, properly. Booting my 2012 Ivy Bridge in 3.2 seconds, properly.

I'm aware of how unpopular this will be in some circles. But change does not happen without competition, and musl environments deserve more than what they have right now. systemd isn't a panacea, it isn't even that great, but it's here, it solves real issues people have, and it's now an option. Not a requirement, but an option.

arf boosted
anna's archive has downloaded and mirrored most of the contents of the internet archive's open library. this is, as we now know, illegal. here's an informative article that tells you which URLs to avoid in order to not unintentionally break the law (see the right-hand pane)
Edited 14d ago
arf boosted

pros of GNOME:

its like if apple made a linux de

cons of gnome:

its like if apple made a linux de

Edited 14d ago
arf boosted

people keep recommending something called typst as an alternative to latex, but I can’t seem to find it on any of the usual fetishwear stores…?

arf boosted


dude idfk if i maintain this shit at all its some kind of miracle. like i can barely maintain myself let alone some software i made out of desperation. like just fucking do what you want with this shit i do not care. try not to be evil with it i guess, but no matter what i write here some jackass will find a way to ruin it.

this license is to apply to all derivative works

arf boosted

Here's the (excellent) official GOV.UK guidance on progressive enhancement — in short, try very hard to avoid using JS at all, and especially avoid large frameworks.

And here, from the frontpage of HN, is an unofficial component library that emulates the GOV.UK "Design System”… in Vue.

…There's no emoji for “flailing my arms with an exasperated, disbelieving look on my face”

arf boosted

i'm coming up with a frighteningly effective new security vulnerability. i call it "wait for u to sign in then run off with ur laptop". it's basically not worth using any kind of security online anymore my attack is just that effective

arf boosted

Looking for a monospaced pixel font with a lo-fi technical vibe, serving old school interfaces? Meet Departure Mono. I love it soooo much!

By Helena Zhang (

Edited 16d ago
arf boosted
arf boosted

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office. If you need to reach me, I have left an intricate trail of clues, each more fiendish than the last. Beware, though — for if you seek me out, so may the hunter become the hunted. And perhaps you will reveal secrets best left buried.

arf boosted

My talk is online! For anyone who has ever wondered what the heck I do all day.

arf boosted
arf boosted
arf boosted

It’s not

no way i
t’s MTU

It was M

arf boosted

real unix has never been tried

arf boosted
arf boosted

I wish everyone in Brazil a happy Wayland migration

arf boosted

Banger comment in llvm:

“In practice, 24GiB large string literals should be rare.”

arf boosted

I regretfully completely understand Wedson's frustrations.

A subset of C kernel developers just seem determined to make the lives of the Rust maintainers as difficult as possible. They don't see Rust as having value and would rather it just goes away.

When I tried to upstream the DRM abstractions last year, that all was blocked on basic support for the concept of a "Device" in Rust. Even just a stub wrapper for struct device would be enough.

That simple concept only recently finally got merged, over one year later.

When I wrote the DRM scheduler abstractions, I ran into many memory safety issues caused by bad design of the underlying C code. The lifetime requirements were undocumented and boiled down to "design your driver like amdgpu to make it work, or else".

My driver is not like amdgpu, it fundamentally can't work the same way. When I tried to upstream minor fixes to the C code to make the behavior more robust and the lifetime requirements sensible, the maintainer blocked it and said I should just do "what other drivers do".

Even when I pointed out that other C drivers also triggered the same bugs because the API is just bad and unintuitive and there are many secret hidden lifetime requirements, he wouldn't budge.

One C driver works, so Rust drivers must work the same way.

arf boosted

I can't believe I've become the "just use the command line" girl, but here we are.

Going on about how great it is for the accessibility of computing that an LLM can generate a webapp that does something slowly that I can do in the terminal quickly, makes me not want to pay attention to the rest of what you have to say.

We should be *making computers more accessible*, not papering over problems with energy-sucking plagiarism machines.
