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girlthing admin
computer toucher, baked goods enjoyer, and boomer shooter appreciator

"your whole personality is nix and wearing a dog collar" - 4 people
"average rust developer" - cosmo

13 Posts Posts & Replies 95 Following 25 Followers Search
arf boosted
arf boosted

We've got some major updates on our DIY pharmaceutical R&D technology stack.

We can't give you all the details until after our presentation at DEF CON ( and live streaming link on Twitch, no account needed:, but we can say that we'll be showing off a novel method to make sofosbuvir (the cure for Hepatitis C) at a tiny fraction of the price big pharma charges.

We'll also be demoing the newest edition of the MicroLab, our DIY lab reactor that you can build at home for a few hundred dollars ( Together with our Recipe Press (which generates instructions for the MicroLab) and ChemHacktica (our hijacked machine-learning-based chemical synthesis planner), the MicroLab Suite provides all the tools needed to plan and execute reactions that you need for DIY medicines.

Are you ready for DIY drug development? What medications would you hijack? The era of computer-aided home chemistry is dawning and we can't wait to see where you all take it.

As always: Keep each other healthy. Keep each other safe.

arf boosted

Thinking about a curl kernel driver with live updates. Lots of potential.

arf boosted
arf boosted

I fucked up my repo so bad

arf boosted

"Don't reinvent the wheel" is now bad advice because all existing wheels have catastrophic flaws in them.

arf boosted

Realising after *many* years why Hacker News feels familiar

arf boosted


arf boosted

Instead of asking what the two wolves inside of you are doing, ask what the angel and demon on your shoulders are doing

(they're kissing)

Edited 54d ago
arf boosted

someone just shared this picture with me and I am so mad this is a thing that somebody thought was a good idea, or even not a terrible idea

arf boosted

sends a udp packet to you (ttl=1)
sends a udp packet to you (ttl=2)
sends a udp packet to you (ttl=3)
sends a udp packet to you (ttl=4)
sends a udp pac

Edited 56d ago
arf boosted

QA budget: $60
UAT infrastructure: $12.50
staggered rollout R&D: $0
Uber Eats coupons: $18,000,000

someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my security software company is dying.

arf boosted

hey guys, microsoft post today is cancelled
got a lot to think about... gonna go bounce on some dick
ill post again when i feel like it.....

arf boosted
always remember that you've never done anything wrong and never will do anything wrong, but that person who you don't know who just said something that mildly annoyed you online is probably actually a really awful person and you're completely right to harass them and accuse them of whatever you want
arf boosted

rewarding the robotgirl by letting her add more observables to its Grafana dashboard.

arf boosted

leebs runs all of us in docker containers

arf boosted

PSA: when a company has a sudden disaster and then you hear on the socials “the CEO sold stock two days before it happened!” or whatever, almost every single time, that’s because the CEO sells stock on a preannounced, fixed, repeating schedule, which is specifically to avoid insider information influencing the decision when and whether to sell. And if you’re selling on a fixed, repeating schedule, then there will always be one that happens to have been not too long before any given disaster.

I’m not saying that the illegal version of this never happens, I’m saying it doesn’t happen quite as often as people posting this stuff in a scandalized tone think it does. I mean, what, do you think the C-suite of Crowdstrike were pre-informed that they were gonna accidentally crash their own product and decided to offload some of their stock instead of stop the push to production?

arf boosted
I think a lot of you really underestimate how little the technical merit of software has anything to do with what businesses use in their tech stacks. we SHOULD be using some minimal turbo-autism embedded OS for a lot of the things that Crowdstrike brought down -- you know critical infrastructure stuff like fucking banks and hospitals -- but everything uses Windows because the people who are in charge of these things usually are also completely tech illiterate. they just choose Windows because it's the safe option and the industry standard and everyone else already uses it and they can't get sued for regulatory security compliance shit if they just use what everyone else is using. this of course circular reasoning that goes back to Microsoft's predatory business practices that got them where they are today, but this also describes LITERALLY EVERY "industry standard" in tech.

it only makes it all the more hilarious too how techbros are some of the most likely people to believe in meritocracy when the tech industry is easily the best refutation in existence of the idea that we've built a civilization that rewards merit. quite the fucking contrary.

so there you go, thats why fucking Windows runs most of our civilization's computing infrastructure, because power is inversely correlated to competence in this hellworld.
arf boosted
arf boosted

🇺🇸 English: 'Z' => "zee"
🇬🇧 English: 'Z' => "zed"

🇺🇸 English: 'G' => "gee"
🇬🇧 English: 'G' => "ged"

arf boosted

god damnit

arf boosted

Tip for software companies. Your stock price can't crash when you release a bad update if your update manyages to take out the stock exchanges

arf boosted

Important news: After almost 7 years without a sighting, I have once again seen the Sainsbury’s car park fox

I apologise for the poor picture but they were very intent on hiding in the bushes behind the petrol station so I had to be quick

arf boosted

inverse CC BY: You are allowed to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as no attribution is given to the creator.

for when you’re creating something so terrible, you don’t wanna be associated with it

Edited 63d ago
arf boosted

botgirl that's gdpr compliant (before interacting with humans it first hands them a gdpr compliant privacy notice and waits until they sign it)