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girlthing admin
computer toucher, baked goods enjoyer, and boomer shooter appreciator

"your whole personality is nix and wearing a dog collar" - 4 people
"average rust developer" - cosmo

13 Posts Posts & Replies 95 Following 25 Followers Search
arf boosted
dutch people when you ask them what letter makes the choking on dick sound:
arf boosted
arf boosted

In case you're using Firefox on mobile - so myself and like four others - disabling Firefox' new Facebook data collection feature is quite a bit harder than on desktop, but it can be done:

Go to chrome://geckoview/content/config.xhtml
Use the search field to find the entry for aboutConfig and enable it
Go to about:config
Search for dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled and set it to false

Done. This only works on Android, because Firefox on iOS is just a Safari skin.

Edited 66d ago
arf boosted
Jailbreaking RabbitOS (The Hard Way)

Spoiler alert: they're violating GPL, but that's the least of their worries
arf boosted

$ result/bin/hydra-eval-jobs --help
error: unrecognised flag '--help'
Try 'result/bin/hydra-eval-jobs --help' for more information.


arf boosted

i just got an achievement for playing as a girl

63% of players have this achievement

arf boosted

> talking to a lefty about penis
> ask if their take on penis is analysis or a rationalization of bigotry in feminist language
> they don't understand
> pull out an illustrated example of sexist views of penis
> they laugh and say "it's a good analysis sir"
> hear them out
> it's bigotry in feminist language

arf boosted

Ads on the web don't actually *need* user tracking. Browsers don't *have to* cooperate with those who want to surveil us.

arf boosted
arf boosted

In the activitied pub. Straight up "petting them". And by "them", haha, well. Let's just say. Fedi creatures ​Emoji ms_robot_cheery

arf boosted
arf boosted
I think this is so good. every trans person should read this, especially after what just happened around here.
arf boosted

Whoever just tried to assassinate Trump pretty much just guaranteed his election victory.

arf boosted
arf boosted

let’s encrypt is probably THE single most important internet project of the last decade tbh

arf boosted
i dont think it's actually meta, this is a problem in all of internet-wide transfem culture
arf boosted
meta i guess
arf boosted

do you have mansmell or politicalsmell?

arf boosted

I just saw someone characterize running a Mastodon instance as being “no harder than running your own mail server” and I thought “oof, that’s a savage takedown” before grasping that they meant it as a positive.

Edited 71d ago
arf boosted

Huge congratulations to all the Lix team for this first release!

arf boosted

an angry techbro story: one Michael D. Mintz forked an LGPL-2.1 codebase and unilaterally changed the license to MIT.

Now he's very, very angry because people pointed out that this is license terms violation, and asked him to either use LGPL-2.1 or ask the original authors to relicense.

the dude's some fucking automation lead at household name companies, for fuck's sake. he really should have known better.

EDIT#1: it seems that the dude published at least one three other pieces of software with changed license, without crediting original authors and after having removed change history. congratulations for being probably one of the first people who managed to break the onerous requirements of the fucking BSD 3 clause license.

EDIT#2: ouch.

EDIT#3: more of the same plus a proposal to unilaterally dual-license LGPL code using MIT license. this is not going well.

EDIT#4: more of the same, third-party components edition.

EDIT#5: the issues asking for clarifications of the licensing terms opened by @pbarker in SeleniumBase repositories have been deleted by the organization owner. this_is_fine.gif.

EDIT#6: there's a reluctant, forced progress, mostly in the licensing area: the license of pynose (the nose fork) has been fixed, the AUTHORS file restored. the pdbp* licensing problems seem to be progressing too, and whoever did sit on the dude and managed to reach through, did a good job.

there are still outstanding issues with the embedded third-party software, and mdmintz still doesn't seem to understand why he should credit the prior authors and contributors instead of the self-aggrandizing approach he prefers.

Edited 72d ago
arf boosted
don't reply with "well actually"
arf boosted


arf boosted

His time is up

arf boosted

Sometimes I think people misinterpret determination as optimism. People see someone walking tirelessly up a mountain, and think they must be driven by some optimistic vision of the future.

In reality, I'm driven by spite and wanting my computer to Just Work.